The Works of Christopher Marlowe

Tamburlaine Part 2

Character By Act Matrix/Character by Scene Matrix
Character 1 2 3 4 5 Total
Orcanes 105 74 35 20 4 238
Gazellus 20 18 38
Uribassa 5 5 10
Sigismond 32 29 61
Fredericke 4 34 38
Callapine 57 66 41 164
Almeda 19 3 22
Tamburlaine 116 108 194 196 250 864
Zenoocrate 14 26 40
Celebinus 8 7 7 2 24
Amyras 6 7 31 30 74
Calyphas 6 9 34 49
Theridamas 24 6 66 59 35 190
Usumcasane 19 5 4 21 49
Techelles 32 36 5 32 105
Baldwine 9 9
Messenger 5 9 1 15
1. Phisitian 2 2
Jerusalem 16 13 4 33
Trebizon 17 3 1 21
Soria 15 4 19
Souldiers 1 3 4
Captaine 15 15
Pioners 1 1
Olympia 34 47 81
Sonne 5 5
Perdicas 4 4
Ladies 1 1
Governour 47 47
Maximus 8 8
1. Citizen 10 10
2. Citizen 5 5
Amasia 18 18
Phisitian 21 21
Total: 467 316 541 430 530 2284

Notes: Scene totals may be less then then the sum of character lines due combined speech. The original source may be found here. As little alteration as possible was made to the source, though obvious formatting errors were corrected. Charactar assigntations for group speech (ALL etc.) are my own however. In cases of ambiguity, I include all characters in the scene. Line counts may not always be an accurate indication of length, as prose speeches are counted as a single line. Be aware that characters who appear in a scene without speaking parts are not represented in the grid above.