The Works of Christopher Marlowe

Tamburlaine Part 2

Act: 3 Scene: 1
From Soria with seventy thousand strong,
Tane from Aleppo, Soldino, Tripoly,
And so unto my citie of Damasco,
I march to meet and aide my neigbor kings,
All which will joine against this Tamburlain,
And bring him captive to your highnesse feet.

Act: 3 Scene: 5
Of Sorians from Halla is repair'd
And neighbor cities of your highnesse land,
Ten thousand horse, and thirty thousand foot,
Since last we numbred to your majestie:
So that the Army royall is esteem'd
Six hundred thousand valiant fighting men.
And all have jointly sworne thy quell death,
Or bind thee in eternall torments wrath.
No Tamburlaine, hee shall not be put to that exigent , I warrant thee.

Act: 4 Scene: 1
May never spirit, vaine or Artier feed
The cursed substance of that cruel heart,
But (wanting moisture and remorsefull blood)
Drie up with anger, and consume with heat.