The Works of Christopher Marlowe


Character By Act Matrix/Character by Scene Matrix
Character 1 2 3 4 5 Total
Jupiter 69 69
Ganimed 16 16
Venus 85 31 28 144
Aeneas 62 216 49 69 70 466
Achates 15 21 7 18 1 62
Ascanius 1 5 2 8
Illioneus 15 15 1 6 1 38
Iarbus 12 1 50 51 14 128
Cloanthus 12 2 2 2 1 19
Sergestus 8 4 2 1 15
Dido 40 180 137 179 536
Anna 1 15 26 34 76
Cupid 3 19 7 29
Juno 72 72
Lord 2 2
Nurse 31 6 37
Hermes 20 20
Total: 295 339 425 349 329 1737

Notes: Scene totals may be less then then the sum of character lines due combined speech. The original source may be found here. As little alteration as possible was made to the source, though obvious formatting errors were corrected. Charactar assigntations for group speech (ALL etc.) are my own however. In cases of ambiguity, I include all characters in the scene. Line counts may not always be an accurate indication of length, as prose speeches are counted as a single line. Be aware that characters who appear in a scene without speaking parts are not represented in the grid above.