The Works of Christopher Marlowe

Dr. Faustus (B Text)

Act: 1 Scene: 1
Faustus, these books, thy wit, and our experience,
Shall make all nations to canonize us,
As Indian moors, obey their Spanish lords.
So shall the spirits of every element
Be always serviceable to us three.
Like lions shall they guard us when we please,
Like Almaine rutters with their horsemen's staves,
Or Lapland giants trotting by our sides.
Sometimes like women or unwedded maids,
Shadowing more beauty in their airy brows
Than has the white breasts of the queen of love.
From Venice shall they drag huge argosies,
And from America the golden fleece,
That yearly stuffed old Phillip's treasury,
If learned Faustus will be resolute.
Then hast thee to some solitary grove,
And bear wise Bacon's, and Albanus' works,
The Hebrew Psalter, and New Testament;
And whatsoever else is requisite
We will inform thee ere our conference cease.
First I'll instruct thee in the rudiments,
And then wilt thou be perfecter then I.